Thursday, April 30, 2015

ANZAC Letter

March 14 1914 GALIPOLI.

Dear my momma.

Its hard shooting,digging holes for my trench.all my friends have died only twenty five people left all i hear every day is explosions,guns shooting friends dieing.already got shot in the leg but i’m all good.trenches are horrible keep shooting the turkey  i wish they had more turkeys to eat can you send me down warm socks and maybe some food cake mostly well war time bye

love: tai

Monday, April 20, 2015

Homework TERM 2

Making My Lunch.I put this in my lunch cookies,chips,crackers,buns,raisins and Musli bars.i learned that i need more in my lunch.
i Fixed my phone because it was not going on youtube it quits out and  when i go on games i cant move. homework Tuesday monday april.